PS...Let's Create
(Art Therapy )
Tuesdays 1pm - 3pm (Starts Jan)
6 week program to promote emotional regulation and creativity
For the bereaved -
Call (778)729-1555 to register
Program offered by Adler University
Facilitated by students, Ruth Andrews and Angelika Schulz
PS...Let's express through art
(Expressive Arts Therapy)
Next program begins in Jan 2017
Use art to reduce stress, connect with others and gain insight.
For patients and their families
Call (778)729-1555 to register
Facilitated by: Michelle Grace
PS...Let's Sleep
Tuesday 10 January, 11am
Group Hypnotherapy
For patients, their families, caregivers, volunteers
Registration required: call (778)729-1555
Facilitated by: Dr Tahmineh Nikookar
PS..Let's learn about forgiveness
Tuesday 20 December, 2pm
For patients, their families and caregivers, the bereaved and volunteers
Call (778)729-1555 to register
Facilitated by : Nataraj Brewer
PS...Let's Connect the
Mind, Body and Soul
Friday 16 December, 1pm
As the holidays and winter approach, our immune system and mood can be challenged.
Learn practical techniques to maximize well being
Guest speaker: Dr Peter Hudoba
PS...Let's Talk about food
Thursday 19 January, 1:30 pm
Food for strength, for sleep, for nourishment, for calming the mind, for healthy weight
All welcome to attend
Presented by: Krisztina Marshall
PS...Let's Talk about
Tuesday 27 December, 10:30am
For patients, their families and caregivers, bereaved and
PS...Let's Talk about
Wednesday 28 December, 10:30am
For patients, their families and caregivers, bereaved and
PS...Let's Talk about
Peace & letting go
Thursday 29 December, 10:30am
For patients, their families and caregivers, bereaved and